The Kingdom group home will be providing Help for men who are desiring and willing
to change. Through Jesus Christ and His grace, a life of freedom from drugs and
alcohol that awaits them. This is possible only through an encounter with Jesus
Christ, through the Holy Spirit and living in the Word of God.
The kingdom group home is a long-term residential Christian based sober living facility
designed to develop the skills necessary to be successful in the modern world. The
Program consists of Celebrate Recovery 12-Step meeting attendance, structured living
with curfew, 24/7 accountability and a work study program where the residents are
expected to maintain full time employment. In house meetings with residents giving
there testimony. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony Revelation 12:11, KJV Residents are subject to random drug and alcohol tests
each week. a long term structured support and life-skill development to individuals
suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. Many of the residents will get clean time
and assist our new current residents. We will have staff that live on-campus to maintain
accountability and structure.